Tävlingsuppgift på kursen Business English Inom kursen ”Business English” ordnades i april 2021 en tävling där uppgiften var att skriva en journalistisk text om ett virtuellt företagsbesök. Följande artikel valdes ut som ett bra exempel på hur man skriver en sammanfattning på en videointervju: Simon Nylund IT-specialist journey on speaking in public Conny Söderholm is currently working at the Enterprise Agency in Mariehamn where he works as an IT-specialist. He has studied Bachelor´s degree in mechanical engineering at Åland university of applied science and later on continued to Aalto University to take Master´s degree in mechanical engineering. Erik Hemming had an interview with Conny Söderholm about his career and how he overcame his fear of speaking in public. Conny explained he has always been more of a quiet talker and avoided the public, but he realized at Aalto University that he needed to work on his public speaking after a project presentation in Estonia. He explained how extremely afraid he was of doing the presentation and he told us -”So then I thought of ways to miss this…. Can I be sick? Is there something else that I can do?” and he even told us -”My passport was about to expire….. What if I “forget” to renew it.?” but this plan fell short when his comrades found out and the passport ended up arriving on time. In the end, Conny did the presentation and he said that it ended up being alright but he needed to work on his nervousness and stiffness in front of larger groups asap. That’s when he found out about “Toastmasters” which is an organization that helps with communication skills. He tried going to one of their meetings where he found himself on the stage after trying his best to participate in one of their challenges. Conny said it was in the beginning an awful feeling but he managed to say some words and got in return a supportive response from the audience. That’s when he decided to join and learn more about speaking in public. Finally Erik asked Conny if this has improved his life in other ways, and Conny reveals -” I think my salary has gone up because of it” he says while laughing. -”Because now it’s easier to communicate during meetings and can get my opinion heard”
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