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Här hittar du publicerad forskning av personalen vid Högskolan på Åland i konferenspublikationer, tidskrifter och böcker med sakkunnigförfarande.

  • Dimitriadou, I., Sini, E., Šteinmiller, J., Saridi, M., Lundberg, A., Häger, M., Hjaltadottir, I., Skuladottir, S. S., Korsström, N., Mört, S., Tuori, H., & Fradelos, E. C. (2025). Comprehensive Geriatric Health Assessment Core Competencies and Skills for Primary Care Nurses: A Scoping Review. Geriatrics, 10(2), 48. https://doi.org/10.3390/geriatrics10020048

  • Kjellman, A., Tainio, R. , & Kangas, T. (2024). Navigating Bank Decline: Are Mergers the Key to Recovery? Business, Management and Economics: Research Progress Vol. 9, 173–195. https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/bmerp/v9/3452

    Kangas, T., Kjellman, A. & Tainio, R. (2024). Rahoitustoiminnan vakaudesta finanssivetoisessa maailmassa. The Finnish Economic Journal, Vol. 1, 73-83. https://journal.fi/kak/article/view/142749/91507

    Kjellman, A., Birkle. M., Sjölund, J., Bockus,B., & Baltranaite, E. (2024). Rethinking Tourism: How to prolong the season in the Baltic Sea.The 32nd Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research, 18-20.9.2024.

    Waller, M., Espinosa-Leal, L., Roos, K. (2024). Heating System Case Study for Simulation-Based Control System Analysis. In: Auer, M.E., Langmann, R., May, D., Roos, K. (eds) Smart Technologies for a Sustainable Future. STE 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 1027. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-61891-8_3

    Exploring nursing practice in a remote area: a study in an archipelago setting. (2024). Umeå universitet. A. Lundberg spec.ssk. medicine licentiat. DiVA, id: diva2:1918960.

    Bing-Jonsson, P., Svendsen, L., Boman, E., Eiken, G-M., & Melin, J. (2024). Enhancing Measurement Precision in the Ms. Olsen Test of Clinical Competence: A Critical Examination. Submitted to International Journal of Older People, First published 19 September 2024. https://doi.org/10.1111/opn.12648

    Hellöre, Lise-Lotte (2024). I det fördolda: Om diakoni och värdeskapande i brytningstider. [Doktorsavhandling, Åbo Akademi]. Åbo Akademi. https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-12-4354-7

    Hellöre, Lise-Lotte (2024). Diakoni som är innovativ och skapar värde: Utblickar i skärningspunkten mellan Covid19-erfarenheter och arbete med familjevåldsoffer. Diakonian Tutkimus, 1:2024, 63-68. https://doi.org/10.37448/dt.145505

    Boman, E., Niklasson, J., Lönnroth, K. & Jemberie, W.B. (2024). Who are the non-adherents of the new Nordic recommendations on alcohol consumption in the older population? Oral poster. 27nd Nordic Congress of Gerontology.

    Åkerman, S., Deeg, D., Boman, E., Niklasson, J., Olofsson, B., Gustafson, Y. & Nyqvist, F. (2024). Detection of a ’Blue Zone’ in a Nordic context. Oral presentation/symposium. 27nd Nordic Congress of Gerontology.

    Nylund, S., Vaartio-Rajalin, H., Boman, E. & Rauhala, A. & Fagerström, L. (2024). An exploration of Finnish nurse prescriber’s prescriptions. 13th ICN NP/APN Network Conference.

    Levy-Malmberg, R., Boman, E., Lehwaldt, D., Lockwood, E.B, & Fagerström, L. Nurses’ clinical decision-making processes in graduate, specialist and advanced roles – a collaborative international study. International Nursing Review, First published: 07 March 2024. https://doi.org/10.1111/inr.12951

  • Lundberg, A., Santamäki-Fischer, R., Gyllencreutz, L., Saveman, B-I, Boman, E. (2023). Standing alone on the frontline. The meaning of being a nurse in the archipelago—A phenomenological hermeneutical study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences.

    Zascerinska, J., Emet, S., Usea, S., Bikova, A. (2023). STEM Education: A Comparative Study of Platforms in Selected Countries, 2023 International Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop (IIPhDW), Wismar, Germany, 2023, pp. 1-6.
    doi: 10.1109/IIPhDW54739.2023.10124402.

    Häger, M., Boman, E., Forsman, A K. (2023). Meeting the Needs of Older Adults with Mental Ill-Health in Non-Psychiatric Care Settings: Self-Rated Confidence in Helping and its Co-Variates within a Multiprofessional Study Sample. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine.

  • Nordberg, M., Grunér, M., Boman, E., Hammer, C., Häggblom, G., Olausson, S. & Lönnroth, K. (2022). Begränsad dold covid-19-smitta på Åland: resultat av upprepad serologi- och PCR-screening i en populationskohort. Poster. State of the Art Covid-19, Svenska Läkaresällskapet.

    Nylund, S., Fagerström, L., Vaartio-Rajalin, H., Boman, E. & Rauhala, A. (2022). The scope of practice for registered nurses with limited rights to prescribe medication in Finland. 12th ICN NP/APN Network Conference.

  • Bing-Jonsson, P.C., Boman, E., Melin, J. (2021). The Ms. Olsen test: Measurement properties of a short test of nursing staffs’ competence in clinical decision-making. Journal of Advanced Nursing.

    Boman, E., Duvanland, E., Gaarde, K., Leary, A., & Fagerström, L. The introduction of advanced nursing practice into Norwegian Emergency Departments. A feasibility study. Oral presentation. 11th ICN NP/APN Network Conference.

    Boman, E., Gaarde, K., Levy-Malmberg, R., Kam Yuet Wong, F. & Fagerström, L. (2021). Using the PEPPA framework to develop the nurse practitioner role in emergency care: Critical reflections. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research.

    Boman, E., Duvaland, E., Gaarde, K., Leary, A., Rauhala, A. & Fagerström, L. (2021). Implementation of advanced practice nursing for minor orthopedic injuries in the emergency care context: A non-inferiority study. International Journal of Nursing Studies.

  • Lundberg, A., Gyllencreutz, L., Saveman, B-I. & Boman, E. (2020). Characteristics of nursing encounters in primary healthcare in remote areas: A survey of nurses’ patient record documentation and self-report. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research. November 2020. doi:10.1177/2057158520973165

    Holm Hansen, E., Boman, E. & Fagerström, L. Perception of the implementation of Nurse practitioners’ role in a Norwegian out-of-hours emergency primary clinic: An e-mail survey among health care professionals and patients. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research. November 2020. doi:10.1177/2057158520964633

    Boman, E., Duvaland, E., Garde, K., Leary, A. & Fagerström, L. (2020). Implementation of advanced practice nursing for orthopedic patients in the emergency care context – a study protocol for outcome studies. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(4), 1069-1076. doi: 10.1111/jan.14299

    Boman, E., Levy-Malmberg, R. & Fagerström, L. (2020). Differences and similarities between registered and specialist nurses in emergency care. Scandinavian Journal in Caring Sciences, 34(2), 492-500. doi.org/10.1111/scs.12753

    Holm Hansen, E., Boman, E., Bing-Johnsson, P. & Fagerström, L. (2020). Introducing nurse practitioners into Norwegian primary healthcare – experiences and learning. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 34(1), 21-34. doi: 10.1891/1541-6577.34.1.21

  • Erika Boman, Elisabeth Duvaland, Kim Gaarde, Alison Leary, Lisbeth Fagerström (2019). Implementation of advanced practice nursing for orthopedic patients in the emergency care context – a study protocol for outcome studiesLeading Global Nursing Research. 21 December 2019.

    Manuel F. Silva, Anna Friebe, Benedita Malheiro, Pedro Guedes, Paulo Ferreira & Matias Waller (2019). Rigid Wing Sailboats: A State of the Art Survey. Ocean Engineering. Vol. 187, 1 September 2019.

    Boman, E., Levy-Malmberg, R. & Fagerström, L. (2019). Differences and similarities between registered and specialist nurses in emergency care. Scandinavian Journal in Caring Sciences.

    Holm Hansen, E., Boman, E., Bing-Johnsson, P. & Fagerström, L. (2019). Introducing nurse practitioners into Norwegian primary healthcare – experiences and learning. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice.

    Boman, E., Glasberg, A-L., Levy-Malmberg, R. & Fagerström, L. (2019). ‘Thinking outside the box’: Advanced practice nursing in primary health care in Scandinavia from a multiprofessional and older persons’ perspective. BMC Nursing, 2 (18).

    Levy Malmberg, R. & Boman, E. (2019). Klinisk beslutstaking. I Avensert klinisk sykepleie. Oslo: Gyldendal (bokkapitel).

    Waller, M. (2019). Data-Based Testing for Nonlinearity in Dynamical Systems: The Use of Surrogate Data. IEEE, vol 27, issue 2.

    Salo, T., Mattila, J. & Eklöf J. (2019). Long‐term warming affects ecosystem functioning through species turnover and intraspecific trait variation. Oikos.

    Hemming, Erik (2019). Formative Assessment with Google’s G Suite. International Maritime English Conference Proceedings 2019 (Mariehamn, Finland).

    Hemming, Erik (2019). Intercultural Communication Training with Pictures. Society for Intercultural Education Training and Research Conference Proceedings (Leuven, Belgien).

    Boman, E., Häger, M., Forsman, A. (2019). ‘Nursing staff readiness to care for older adults with mental ill-health -a cross-sectional study’. The International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress, IAGG-ER, Göteborg.

  • Erika Boman, H. Ösp Egilsdottir, Rika Levy-Malmberg, Lisbeth Fagerström (5 juli 2018). Nurses’ understanding of a developing nurse practitioner role in the Norwegian emergency care context: A qualitative studyNordic Journal of Nursing Research.

    Waller, M. (2018). Data-based Testing for Nonlinearity in Dynamical Systems: Surrogate Data Compared with Nonlinear Distortion”. Proceedings of the 21st Nordic Process Control Workshop.Pp 77-88

    Waller, M. (2018). Surrogate Data and Nonlinear Distortion for Nonlinear Model Development – A Preliminary Study. Proceedings of the 18th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Stockholm. Pp 503 – 508.

    Häger, M., Forsman, A., Boman, E. (2018). Att vara utlämnad i en övermäktig uppgift – en intervjustudie kring psykisk ohälsa inom äldreomsorgen. XV Nationella vårdvetenskapliga konferensen. HTTP, Vasa.

  • Anna Friebe, Mikael Olsson, Maei le Gallic, Jordan Less’ard Springett, Kjell Dahl & Matias Waller (2017). A marine research ASV utilizing wind and solar power. OCEANS 2017 – Aberdeen

    Erika Boman, Berit Lundman, Björn Nygren, Kristofer Årestedt & Regina Santamäki Fischer (2017). Inner strength and its relationship to health threats in ageing–a cross‐sectional study among community‐dwelling older women. Journal of advanced nursing

    S. Roos & Erika Boman (2017). De äldres delaktighet på Åland. ÅSUB Rapport 2017:4

  • ”Free Rotating Wingsail Arrangement for Åland Sailing Robots”, Robotic Sailing 2016, Proceedings of the 9th International Robotic Sailing Conference, Teo Enqvist, Anna Friebe och Florian Haug

    ”Cable Towing with an Autonomous Sailboat”, Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on High-Performance Marine Vehicles, Elouan Autret, Anna Friebe, Kjell Dahl and Matias Waller

    Erika Boman, Anette Häggblom, B Lundman, B Nygren, Regina Santamäki Fischer (2016). Identifying variables in relation to health-related quality of life among community-dwelling older women: Knowledgebase for health-promoting activities. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research 36 (1), 20-26

    Erika Boman (2016). Hälsa och livskvalitet bland äldre män och kvinnor på Åland 2015 (HÄMKÅ15). Högskolan på Åland, Mariehamn

    Erika Boman (2016) Inre styrka som en hälsoresurs bland äldre kvinnor. Ä. En tidskrift från Riksföreningen Sjuksköterskan inom Äldrevård. 3, 44-46

    Erika Boman (2016). Inner strength as a health resource among older women. Umeå universitet

    Shahramian K, Leminen H, Meretoja V, Linderbäck P, Kangasniemi I, Lassila L, Abdulmajeed A, Närhi T (2016). Sol-gel Derived Bioactive Coating on Zirconia: Effect on Flexural Strength and Cell Proliferation. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater, Nov 105(8): 2401-2407.

  • Boman, E., Häggblom, A., Lundman, B., Nygren, B., & Santamäki-Fischer, R. (2015) Inner strength as identified in narratives of elderly women: A focus group interview study. Advances in Nursing Sciences (Accepted for publication in 38:1, 2015)

    Erika Boman, Y Gustafson, A Häggblom, R Santamäki Fischer, B Nygren (2015) Inner strength – associated with reduced prevalence of depression among older women. Aging & mental health 19 (12), 1078-1083

    ”Modeling and Control for an Autonomous Sailboat: A Case Study”, Robotic Sailing 2015, Proceedings of the 8th International Robotic Sailing Conference, Jon Melin, Kjell Dahl & Matias Waller

    ”Challenges for autonomous sailing robots”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries, COMPIT’15 , Eriksson, Ronny & Friebe, Anna

    Waller, Matias  & Waller, Jonas. B. ”Choice of Model Structure for Controller Design: A Case Study”,
    Proceedings of the 17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 1581-1586, Beijing, 2015. Pp 57-62.

    Waller, Matias ”On the Significance of Correlation Functions”, Proceedings of the 17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Beijing, 2015. Pp 80-85.

  • Boman, E., Gustafson, Y., Häggblom, A., Santamäki Fischer, R. &  Nygren, B. (2014). Inner strength – associated with reduced prevalence of depression among older women, Aging & Mental Health.

    Böckerman, P., Johansson, E., Saarni S., and Saarni, S (2014) The negative association of obesity with subjective well-being: Is it all about health? Journal of Happiness Studies 32, 857-867.

    ”Power Management Strategies for an Autonomous Sailboat”, Robotic Sailing 2014, Proceedings of the 7th International Robotic Sailing Conference, Kjell Dahl, Anton Bengsén & Matias Waller

    Waller, Matias ”Searching for New Benchmark Models for Detecting Nonlinearity in Data”,
    Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress, 2014. Pp 3232-3237.

  • Häggblom, Anette (2013). Myths and taboos – students’ attitudes towards and knowledge about intimate partner violence (IPV). Klinisk Sygepleje no 4, p 50-62.

    Böckerman, P., Johansson, E., Saarni, S.I. & Saarni, S.E. (2013). The Negative Association of Obesity with Subjective Well-being: Is It All about Health? Journal of Happiness Studies.
    DOI: 10.1007/s10902-013-9453-8

  • Böckerman, P., Johansson, E. and Saarni, S. (2011), Institutionalisation and subjective well-being for old age individuals: Is life really miserable in care homes? Ageing and Society 32, 1176-1192.

    Boström, E., Hörnsten, Å., Persson C., Rising, I. & Santamäki Fischer, R. (2012). Challenging clinical demands and ongoing role changes among primary health care nurses. British Journal of Community Nursing. 17(2) 69-73.

    Brännström, H., Bäckman, M. & Santamäki Fischer, R (2012). Walking on the Edge. Older People´s Narratives of Using a Walker in Everyday Life. International Journal of Older People Nursing.
    Doi: 10:1111/j.1748-3743.2012.00334.x

    Häggblom, A. (2012). «Hvordan skal hun klare natten!» – sykepleiere og volksutsatte kvinner forteller om menns vold mot kvinner. I Fortellinger om etikk. R. Thorsen, K. Sunde Mæhre & K. Martinsen (red.). Oslo: Fagbokforlaget.

    Lundman, B., Aléx, L., Jonsén, E., Lövheim,H., Santamäki Fischer, R., Strandberg, G. & Norberg, A. (2012). Inner strength in relation to functional status, disease, living arrangements, and social relationships among people aged 85 years and over. Geriatric Nursing. 33(3):167-76.

    Norberg, C., Eriksson, S., Lundman, B., Norberg, A. & Santamäki Fischer, R (2012). Intrinsic and extrinsic religious orientation among the very old. Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Aging. 24. 314-324.

    Viglund, K., Alex, L., Jonsén,E., Norberg, A., Santamäki Fischer, R., Strandberg, G. & Nygren, B. (2012). Psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Selection, Optimization, Compensation questionnaire. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Science.
    Doi: 10.1111/j.1471-6712.2012.01027.x.

    Waller, M. (2012). Using Surrogate Data for Nonlinear Identification: A Case Study. Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 1581-1586, Brussels.

  • Brännström, H., Bäckman, M. & Santamäki Fischer, R (2011). Walking on the Edge. Older People´s Narratives of Using a Walker in Everyday Life. Submitted dec 2011 International Journal of Older People Nursing.

    Böckerman, P., Johansson, E. & Kauhanen, A. (2011). Innovative Work Practices and Sickness Absence: What Does a Nationally Representative Employee Survey Tell? Industrial and Corporate Change, published online August 9, 2011.
    Doi: 10.1093/icc/dtr047.

    Häggblom, A.M., & Dreyer Fredriksen, S-T (2011). ”Der bliver ofte stille” – sygeplejerskers møde med kvinder, som har været udsat for vold. Klinisk Sygepleje 25 (1).

    Lundman, B., Aléx, L., Jonsén, E., Lövheim, H., Nygren, B., Santamäki Fischer, R., Strandberg, G. & Norberg, A. (2011). Inner Strength in Relation to Functional Status, Disease, Living Arrangements, and Social Relationships Among People Aged 85 Years and Older. Geriatric Nursing, published online December 30, 2011.

    Lundman, B., Viglund, K., Alex, L., Jonsén, E., Norberg, A., Santamäki Fischer, R., Strandberg, G., & Nygren, B. (2011), Development and psychometric properties of the Inner Strength Scale. International Journal of Nursing Studies 48,1266-1274.

  • Santamäki-Fischer, R. Lundman, B., Norberg, A. (2010). Feeling Whole: The meaning of being consoled as narrated by very old people. Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 64 (1), 3, 1-12.

    Tingvoll, W-A., Snelltvedt, T. & Häggblom, A. ”Patient rehabilitation in hospitals a prioritised discipline after hospital reform?: a Norwegian perspective”. Journal of Nursing Management. 18: 6, 2010, 767-775.

  • Lundman, B., Aléx, L., Jonsén, E., Norberg, A., Nygren, B., Santamäki Fischer, R. & Strandberg, G. (2009). Inner strength – a theoretical analysis of salutogenic concepts. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47(22) 251-26.

  • Santamäki Fischer, R., Altin, E., Ragnarsson, C. & Lundman B. (2008). Still going strong. Perceptions of the body among 85-year old people. Department of Nursing, Umeå University, Umeå. Sweden. International Journal of Older People Nursing. 3 (1) 14-21.

    Santamäki Fischer, R., Norberg, A. & Lundman B. (2008). Embracing opposites: Meanings of growing old. International Journal of Aging and Human Developmen 67, (3) 259-271.

    Waller, Matias & Dahl, Kjell ”Educational Autopilot – A Practical Approach”, Proceedings of the
    50th International Symposium ELMAR-2008, 377-380, Zadar, 2008.

  • Santamäki Fischer, R., Norberg, A. & Lundman, B. (2007) ”I’m on my way” The meaning of being oldest old, as narrated by people aged 95 and over. The Umeå 85+ Study. Journal of Religion Spirituality and Aging. 19 (3) 3-19

    Santamäki Fischer R., Nygren B., Lundman B. & Norberg A. (2007).Living amidst consolation in the presence of God. Perceptions of consolation among the oldest old. Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Aging. 19 (4) 3- 2.

    Isaksson. U., Santamäki-Fischer, R., Nygren, B., Lundman, B. & Åström, S. (2007). Supporting the oldest old when completing a questionnaire – getting bias or gaining reliable results? Research on Aging. 29 (6) 576-589.

    Henrik Saxén, Frank Pettersson and Matias Waller, ”Mining Data from Metallurgical Process by a
    Novel Neural Network Pruning Method”, The International Conference on Adaptive and
    Natural Computing Algorithms. In B. Beliczynski et al. (Eds.), ICANNGA 2007,
    Proceedings, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 4432, 115-122, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.

    Waller, Matias, Rönn, Mikael and Saxén, Henrik ”Data-Based Validation of Nonlinear Models”,
    Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, 972-977, Pretoria, 2007.

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(ISSN-L 2243-397X, ISSN 2243-397X)

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Publikationer utgivna vid före detta Ålands sommaruniversitet/Ålands högskola (som idag heter Öppna högskolan).

  • 2009:1
    Helena Forsgård. Den öppna högskoleundervisningen på Åland 40 år
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    Diana Berthén, Inger Eriksson & Viveca Lindberg. Yrkeshögskolelärare i lära. Att guida högskolestuderande till studierelevanta läs- och skrivstrategier
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    Inger Eriksson & Viveca Lindberg m fl (red.). Det digitala lär-rummet. Rapport om ett projekt för att utveckla en fortbildningsstrategi. Del 2: Huvudrapport.
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  • 1993:1
    Sundberg, Eva. Dialekten i Ålands nordöstra skärgård, Mariehamn, 1993.

    Självstyrelseregioner och minoriteter i Europa, red. Sune Jungar, Mariehamn, 1989.

    Henriksson, Bjarne. Prästmän på Åland, Mariehamn, 1989.

    Åländskt språk mellan öst och väst, red. Åsa Stenwall-Albjerg, Mariehamn, 1988.

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    Att tolka stratigrafi. Det III nordiska stratigrafimötet Åland 1999
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    Scarpulla, Claudio. The constitutional framework for the autonomy of Åland : a survey of the status of an autonomous region in the throes of European integration, Mariehamn, 1999.

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    Åland på den säkerhetspolitiska agendan, red. Robert Jansson, Mariehamn, 1996.

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