Autumn Semester 2024
- R111105 Group Dynamics and Team Development at Work 5 ECTS, teacher: C Stormbom
- B130703 Intercultural Communication 2 ECTS, teacher: J Sjölund
- Y002202 Swedish (A1-B2) 3 ECTS, External course provider: Medis / C Stormbom
- B030104 Marketing 10 ECTS, teacher: T-B Wik
- R252105 Tourism Operations 2 ( 5 sp ), teacher: A Kjellman
- R164104 Change Management 5 ECTS, teacher: A-L Groos
- B365202 Sustainable development and climate change 5 ECTS, teacher: E Scott
Spring Semester 2024
* starts week 2
- B130202 Business English* 3 ECTS, teacher: T Mäkinen (Online)
- Y002202 Swedish (A1-B2) 3 ECTS, External course provider: Medis / C Stormbom
- B111402 Project Management* 5 ECTS, teacher: T-B Wik
- B111306 Economics 5 ECTS, teacher: A-L Groos
- B250406 Digital Marketing B2B* 5 ECTS, teacher: T-B Wik
- R162104 Organisation and Management 3 ECTS, teacher: A Kjellman
- B365402 Future Megatrends and Vocational Competences (5 ECTS), teacher: E Scott
Autumn Semester 2024
- R111105 Group Dynamics and Team Development at Work 5 ECTS, teacher: C Stormbom
- B130702 Intercultural Communication 2 ECTS, teacher: J Sjölund
- Y002202 Swedish (A1-B2) 3 ECTS External course provider: Medis / C Stormbom
- E907201 Project and project management (2 ECTS + 8 ECTS) teacher: F Haug (continues in spring)
- E108503 Control Technology 1 2 ECTS, teacher: M Waller (continues in spring)
- E006114 Introduction to technical software 2.5 ECTS, teacher: M Waller
E004306 Mathematics 3 5 ECTS, teacher: S Emet
E004404 Mathematics 4 5 ECTS, teacher: S Emet
- I160104 Programming 8 ECTS teacher: J Isaksson
- M102204 Technical drawing 1 3 ECTS, teacher: M Åsgård
- B365202 Sustainable development and climate change 5 ECTS teacher: E. Scott
Spring Semester 2024
- E907201 Project and project management 2 ECTS + 8 ECTS teacher: F Haug (starts in autumn)
- E108503 Control Technology 1 2 ECTS teacher: M Waller (starts in autumn)
- M002303 Technical English 3 ECTS teacher: T Mäkinen
- B365402 Future Megatrends and Vocational Competences 5 ECTS teacher: E Scott
Autumn Semester 2024
- R111105 Group Dynamics and Team Development at Work 5 ECTS, teacher: C Stormbom
- B130703 Intercultural Communication 2 ECTS, teacher: J Sjölund
- Y002202 Swedish (A1-B2) 3 ECTS, External course provider: Medis / C Stormbom
- B030104 Marketing 10 ECTS, teacher: T-B Wik
- R164104 Change Management 5 ECTS, teacher: A-L Groos
- B365202 Sustainable development and climate change 5 ECTS teacher: E. Scott
Spring Semester 2024
- B130202 Business English* 3 ECTS, teacher: T Mäkinen (online)
- Y002202 Swedish for Beginners (A1-B2) 3 ECTS, External course provider: Medis / C Stormbom
- R253204 Event Studies 5 ECTS, teacher: T Sjöblom
- R165101 Leadarship – Theoretical 5 ECTS, teacher: A Kjellman
- R162104 Organisation and Management 3 ECTS, teacher: A Kjellman
- B111402 Project Management 5 ECTS, teacher: T-B Wik
- B250405 Marketing B2B* 5 ECTS, teacher: T-B Wik
- R182103 Development of Services and Experiences 5 ECTS, teacher: J Sjölund
- B365402 Future Megatrends and Vocational Competences (5 ECTS) teacher: E Scott
Autumn Semester 2024
- R111105 Group Dynamics and Team Development at Work 5 ECTS, teacher: C Stormbom
- B130702 Intercultural Communication ECTS 2, teacher: J Sjölund
- Y002202 Swedish (A1-B2) 3 ECTS, External course provider: Medis / C Stormbom
- I180602 Programme Development and Project Handling (2 + 8 ECTS teacher: B-E Zetterman
- I140402 Web Server Technology 5 ECTS teacher: NN
I140801 Machine learning 6 ECTS teacher: S Emet
E004306 Mathematics 3 5 ECTS teacher: S Emet
E004404 Mathematics 4 5 ECTS teacher: S Emet
- B365202 Sustainable development and climate change 5 ECTS) teacher: E Scott
Spring 2025
- M002303 Technical English 3 ECTS teacher: Tiina Mäkinen
- B130701 Intercultural Communication 3 ECTS teacher: Johan Sjölund
- Y002202 Swedish for Beginners (A1-B2) 3 ECTS External course provider: Medis / C Stormbom
- I180402 Database Design (6 ECTS) teacher: Joakim Isaksson
- I105103 Mathematical Modeling 1 (Computer Science) (6 ECTS) teacher: Stefan Emet
I140501 Big Data Analysis 6 ECTS teacher: Björn-Erik Zetterman
- B365402 Future Megatrends and Vocational Competences (5 ECTS) teacher: E Scott
Autumn semester 2024
- R111105 Group Dynamics and Team Development at Work 5 ECTS, teacher: C Stormbom
- B130703 Intercultural Communication 2 ECTS, teacher: J. Sjölund
- B365402 Future Megatrends and Vocational Competences (5 ECTS) teacher: E Scott
- Y002202 Swedish for Beginners (A1-B2) 3 ECTS External course provider: Medis / C Stormbom
- S1323012 Maritime English 4 (online) 1½ ECTS, teacher: T Mäkinen (online)
- S4501071-1 Onboard Training for Ratings – Training Ship 1.1 (4 days) 1,5 ECTS, teacher: J Hansen
- S4501071-2 Onboard Training for Ratings – Training Ship 1.2 (4 days) 1,5 ECTS, teacher: Hansen/Andersson
- S4501071-4 Tall Ship Training 0,5 ECTS, teacher: E Karlsson
- S1624032 Marine Environmental Awareness 2 ECTS, teacher: B Malmberg
- B365202 Sustainable development and climate change (5 ECTS) teacher: E Scott
Spring Semester 2024
- Y002202 Swedish for Beginners (A1-B2) 3 ECTS External course provider: Medis / C Stormbom
- S1322043 Maritime English 3 (online) 1½ ECTS, teacher: T Mäkinen
- S1551053-1 Navigation 4 – Terrester Navigation 4 ECTS, teacher: B Malmberg
- S4521052-7 On Board Training for Ratings – Navigation 3, Simulator 0,5 ECTS, teacher: NN
- S452152-8 Onboard Training for Ratings – Navigation 3, Simulator Exercise 1 ECTS, teacher: NN
- S4521052-9 Onboard Training for Ratings – Training Ship 3.2 (4 days) 1,5 ECTS, teacher: J Hansen
- S1533032-4 Navigation 3, Nautical Instruments 2 2 ECTS teacher: NN
Autumn semester 2024
- R111105 Group Dynamics and Team Development at Work 5 ECTS, teacher: C Stormbom
- B130703 Intercultural Communication 2 ECTS, teacher: J. Sjölund
- S1323012 Maritime English 4 (online) 1½ ECTS, teacher: T Mäkinen (online)
- Y002202 Swedish for Beginners (A1-B2) 3 ECTS, External course provider: Medis
- M404106 Training ship 1 (5 days) 1,5 ECTS teacher: K Andersson
- S4501071-4 Tall Ship Training 2 days 0,5 ECTS teacher: NN
- M112104 Electrical Engineering 4 ETCS teacher: Oscar Hellstrand
- M110504 Ship Diesel Engines II 3 ECTS teacher: Göran Henriksson/Key Ginman
- M111106 Exercises in Engine Room Simulator I 4 ECTS continue in spring teacher: K Andersson
- M111205 Exercises in Engine Room Simulator II 4 ECTS teacher: K Ginman
- M111303 Exercises in Engine Room simulator III 3 ECTS teacher: K Ginman Not available 2024.
- M109203 Energy Engineering Labs II 2 ECTS teachers: Westerlund/ Hindersson
- M102205 Technical drawing 2 3 ECTS teacher: Mats Åsgård
- S1624032 Marine Environmental Awareness 2 ECTS, teacher: B Malmberg
- B365202 Sustainable development and climate change (5 ECTS) teacher: E Scott
Spring 2024
- Y002202 Swedish for Beginners (A1-B2) (3 ECTS) External course provider Medis teacher: Charlotte Stormbom
- M404206 Training Ship 2 (1,5 ECTS) teacher: K Andersson
- M404305 Training Ship 3 (5 days) (1,5 ECTS) teacher: K Andersson.
- M404406 Training Ship 4 (3 days) (1 ECTS) teacher: K Andersson Not available 2024.
- M111106 Exercises in Engine Room Simulator I continues 4 ECTS teacher: K Andersson/K Ginman
- M109104 Energy Engineering Labs I (2 ECTS) teachers: Westerlund/ Hindersson
- M002305 Technical English 3 ECTS teacher: T Mäkinen
- B365402 Future Megatrends and Vocational Competences 5 ECTS teacher: E Scott
- R111105 Group Dynamics and Team Development at Work 5 ECTS, teacher: C Stormbom
- B130703 Intercultural Communication 2 ECTS, teacher: J Sjölund
- B365202 Sustainable development and climate change 5 ECTS teacher: E Scott
- B365402 Future Megatrends and Vocational Competences 5 ECTS teacher: E Scott
- Y002202 Swedish for Beginners (A1-B2) 3 ECTS External course provider Medis teacher: C Stormbom
- VA127326 Optional Clinical Education* 6-12 ECTS, ÅHS
* Clinical practice at the Åland Health and Care Services (ÅHS) can be offered mainly within primary care but also in hospital wards. This offers unique opportunities to experience the solutions at hand in rural and archipelago preventive health care, nursing, basic medical treatments, and rehabilitation without limitations as to disorders, age or patient groups.
Primary care is a complement to hospital care and treats illnesses that do not require hospitalisation. The work practice consists mainly of day-time work in the form of home care in private residences or special homes as well as surgery hours.