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Energy Automation Sustainable Engineering

Master of Engineering, 60 ECTS

Admissions procedure

  • Threshold criteria

    Students are selected based on a pre-assignment including a motivation letter and two separate tasks; Simulations and Data Analysis.

    The pre-assignment is only graded for those applicants who fulfil the eligibility criteria. The pre-assignment is a mandatory part of the application process, and the idea is to map the basic skills and interests needed for developing abilities to use and creatively explore modern tools for modelling and data analysis, to read and analyze scientific writing within the field, and to effectively communicate results.

    Task 1: The Motivation letter

    The motivation letter should be a maximum of 700 words outlining why you consider yourself a good candidate for the program. See further instructions in the attached pre-assignment document.

    Task 2: Simulations

    You are to verify the result with a figure as per instructions in the attached pre-assignment document.

    Task 3: Data Analysis

    You are to determine set values as per instructions in the attached pre-assignment document. Data for the task is available in the Heat Control document.


    PreAssignment EASE



    Submitting the pre-assignment

    • The deadline for submitting the pre-assignment and all supporting documents is 5 March 2025.
    • Submit the pre-assignment by uploading all tasks to the allocated requests for attachments in your application. All three tasks should be submitted in PDF format.
    • Name the attachment file(s) in the following way: Lastname_First name_description/name of document. For example: Smith_Mary_motivation letter
    • Combine the pages of the same document into one file.
    • If the supporting documents are not uploaded in your application they need to be sent by e-mail to

    Applicants are given a total score for the pre-assignment and are ranked based on that score. Applicants are admitted in the order of ranking. In case several applicants achieve the same score, but there are not enough study places to admit them all, their admission will be based on drawing lots.
    The deadline to accept an offered study place is 26 March 2025.

Are you driven by a desire to create and implement the next generation of automatic and supervisory systems? Would you like to learn how to improve process operation, maintenance and automation, especially within renewable energy systems? The Energy Automation Sustainable Engineering programme is for you who wish to take part in the transition towards more sustainable and circular solutions by using modern engineering skills.


The master’s degree programme Energy Automation Sustainable Engineering (EASE) has a unique, Nordic profile within a rapidly changing field. In this programme, we focus on sustainable change in energy systems from a local and a global perspective. You will learn how analytical and modelling tools can be implemented in supervisory systems for the purpose of improved understanding and more efficient operation. We look at how physics and data can be used to create digital twins and how digital models support sustainable change in engineering design and transition towards a circular economy. The programme prepares you for taking on leadership roles within various fields of engineering and provides you with the skills needed for supporting the transition towards more sustainable engineering.

EASE comprises 60 ECTS with studies lasting one year. Please note that all applicants must have a minimum of two years (24 months) of relevant work experience after the completion of the bachelor’s degree in engineering in order to meet the eligibility criteria. Relevant work experience could e.g. be experience in development, operation, maintenance, software, or a similar field of engineering.

Hybrid studies

The programme is conducted in a hybrid format, with online studies combined with on-site campus weeks at Åland University of Applied Sciences.

Campus Weeks

Week 1: 22-26 September 2025

Week 2: 27-31 October 2025

Week 3: 8-12 December 2025

What you will learn

  • skills in designing and implementing analytical tools in supervisory systems
  • skills needed for adapting supervisory systems to different applications within engineering, especially within renewable energy systems and smart grids
  • how to support changing business models towards including service and maintenance within engineering applications on a general level
  • how digital twins can be used for designing and improving automatic systems
  • how models of engineering systems can be combined with sensor data for system health management and predictive maintenance
  • how to incorporate your understanding in supervisory systems for, e.g., improving operation, automation and control
  • different strategies that can be used for controlling generated power in addition to controlling demand in electric grids.

Examples of future positions

After completing this master’s degree, you can take on leadership roles in:

  • developing measurement and supervisory systems for engineering applications
  • developing automation and production lines, and improving efficiency through use of models and data
  • driving sustainable change in engineering systems and support the transition towards a more circular society.

Nordic collaboration that creates a unique programme

In this programme, you can expect top-quality teaching. Our teaching teams possess extensive expertise within the field of energy automation, covering anything from supervisory systems to data analysis. Online learning is combined with on-campus labs, presentations and visits to industrial partners. Industrial partners include Ilmatar, Inficon, Flexens and OX2. You will get a unique opportunity to make use of highly equipped and state-of-the-art facilities – physical and digital –  on Högskolan på Åland’s campus in Mariehamn.

There is also an extensive Nordic network specifically for the field of this programme. You can expect to have possibilities for collaboration and joint projects with Mälardalen University in Sweden and programmes in Sustainable Energy Systems, Intelligent Embedded Systems, and Robotics, and with Aalborg University in Denmark and programmes in Advanced Power Electronics and Offshore Energy Systems.

Flexible online studies combined with inspiring on-campus weeks

Introductory sessions are held online and lectures are available as a mix of pre-recorded, audio-commented presentations and live online sessions. Assignments are discussed in study groups online and diaries are used to summarize discussions and progress in writing. In-person sessions focusing on laboratory assignments, presentations, and industrial visits are scheduled for 3 weeks per semester. For the fall semester 2025, the live online sessions will typically be held on Wednesdays after 2:15 PM and the on-campus weeks are scheduled to take place on 22-26 September, 27-31 October and 8-12 December on Åland. Students are expected to cover the costs for travel, accommodation and food themselves. Changes may occur.

Study units:

  • Renewable Energy Systems – Design and Optimization (5 ECTS)
  • Data Acquisition and Analytics (5 ECTS)
  • Designing Digital Twins (5 ECTS)
  • Changing Energy Systems and Electric Grids (5 ECTS)
  • Automation and Digital Twins (5 ECTS)
  • Predictive Maintenance (5 ECTS)
  • Master’s Thesis 30 ECTS

Information for applicants from countries outside the European Union/EEA

Advantageous early bird discount

Energy Automation Sustainable Engineering is a very affordable master’s degree program for those who are applicants from countries outside the European Union/EEA.

By bindingly accepting the study place offer of Åland UAS and paying the tuition fee within 14 days, an admitted student will pay an early bird tuition fee of 2500 euros for the first academic year.

That means a possible discount of 5500 euros!


A residence permit in Finland

If you are admitted to the master’s program, you can apply for a residence permit in Finland at the Finnish Immigration Service.


The degree program’s flexible blended learning format includes three on-campus weeks in Mariehamn at the Åland Islands, while most studies can be completed online. You don’t need to reside in Mariehamn to participate. You may choose to settle elsewhere in Finland, such as in the Helsinki region with more opportunities, and travel to Åland for the on-campus sessions, booking temporary accommodation as needed.


Tuition fees

Please note that applicants from countries outside the EU/EEA are required to pay tuition fees. This master’s degree programme, consisting of 60 ECTS, costs 8 000 euros. In case a student is unable to complete the degree within the given study time, the student needs to pay 4 000 euros per each extra semester until the degree is completed.

No scholarships are available for master’s degree studies, but we do have an early bird offer. By bindingly accepting the study place offer of Åland UAS and paying the tuition fee within 14 days, an admitted student will pay an early bird tuition fee of 2500 euros for the first academic year.

Åland University of Applied Sciences reserves the right to make index adjustments to the tuition fees and early bird offer during the studies.